Pressio Men's Power Run Short

  • 2.750.000₫
  • 2.750.000₫
  • - 0₫

Pressio's Power Run Compression Shorts utilizing MAPP technology is designed to make you run further, faster and help you back it up the next day. Our MAPP print will protect your quadriceps for greater compressive support to reduce soreness, swelling due to muscle fiber damage, and the added support to protect against overuse injuries. Coupled with our EcoPOWER CK high-powered fabric, this will also cradle the hamstring muscles and wrap the glutes for extra support, plus the perfectly drafted Lycra/Nylon yarn combination allows you to move freely elevating you towards your best. Three rear pockets for all your run essentials and Dye Free technology helps cut emissions, lower water use, and protect our waterways.